Chinese Vigina

Chinese translation of 'vagina'

Naughty rosa great dadcreampie vagina {noun} volume_up 屄 [bī] {noun} [vulg.] vagina. Chinese Translation of “VAGINA” | The official Collins English-Simplified Dictionary online. Over Chinese translations of English words and phrases. In this study, we characterized the bacterial component of the vaginal microbiome in Chinese women sampled at mid-pregnancy and in a subset. the part of a woman or other female mammal's body that connects her outer sex organs to her uterus · 陰道. anatomy specialized. Spleen-deficiency syndrome and damp-heat syndrome are the two most common syndromes of vaginitis in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

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Chinese Translation of “VAGINA” | Collins English-Simplified Dictionary Hong Kong Chinese women's experiences of vaginal examinations in labour.

Dat doe je lekker Chinese translation of 'vagina' thumb holes. Chinese Translation of “VAGINA” | The official Collins English-Simplified Dictionary online. Over Chinese translations of English words and phrases. Chinese Translation of “VAGINA” | The official Collins English-Simplified Dictionary online. Over Chinese translations of English words and phrases. Translation for 'vagina' in the free English-Chinese dictionary and many other Chinese translations. In this study, we characterized the bacterial component of the vaginal microbiome in Chinese women sampled at mid-pregnancy and in a subset. Further I would like to point out that “vulva” and “vagina” are anatomically two distinct and separate parts and cannot be used interchangeably.

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