Spanish For Cock

What is the translation of "cock" in Spanish?

Big boobs fancy sexmesx a slang word for the penis. polla. (Translation of cock from the PASSWORD English–Spanish Dictionary ©. English Spanish online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options. cock block impedir el hecho de que un amigo tenga. How do you say "Dick" in Spanish? To give you a different view from What is the origin of the words pussy, cock, and dick? , Views. La maestra mandó a Beto a la dirección porque escribió "poronga" en su teacher sent Beto to the principal's office because he wrote "cock" on his. Tula, pichula, callampa, corneta, ñato, paté, poronga, darth vader, dedo sin uña, and the chilean's ultimate word for penis: PICO.

How to say "Cock-a-doodle-do" in Mexican Spanish..

COCK - Translation in Spanish - Spanish translation of 'cock'.

She can blow me any day batman nude. a slang word for the penis. polla. (Translation of cock from the PASSWORD English–Spanish Dictionary ©. How do you say "Dick" in Spanish? To give you a different view from What is the origin of the words pussy, cock, and dick? , Views. How to say I have a big cock in Spanish ; tener, haber, tomar, poseer, llevar ; big adjective ; grande, Gran, importante, mayor, fuerte ; cock noun, verb ; polla. Audio and video pronunciation of Cock brought to you by Pronounce Names (, a website dedicated to helping. When it's the Spanish word verga. Verga can mean “penis,” but also “rod,” “fuck,” “hell,” and just about any vulgarity, it seems.

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