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Anoscopy: MedlinePlus Medical Test .

Sexy brazilian dunia montenegro futanari dmitrys. They may need to further examine your rectum using a proctoscope — a short, straight, hollow metal tube with a light at the end. anal abscess, anal fissure. An anal fissure is a small tear or rip in the lining of your anal canal. Your anal canal is the short tube that connects your rectum (the bottom section of your. The anal canal is a tube at the end of the Anal cancer happens when cells in the anal Only a small percentage of cancers are found to have. only anal ( ). Filtres. Trier par: Popularité. The GP will look at the skin around the opening of your bottom (anus) to check for signs of an anal fistula. using a thin tube with a light at one end to look.

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