Erection During A Massage

Erection in massage: A totally normal physiological response

I am the perfect ble film Massage does increase blood flow, and an erection is something that can occur. He could also be someone who is rarely touched outside of session. Men often get an erection when they get a therapeutic massage that isn't sexual. This is normal. The parasympathetic nervous system can be. Yes, it is normal to experience an erection during a massage. It can be a natural physiological response to relaxation and increased blood flow. It's common for men to get an erection during a non-sexual, therapeutic massage. Gentle touch administered to any area of the body can activate the. It's perfectly normal for men to get an erection during a non-sexual, therapeutic massage. Most men's fears are unfounded. It happens rarely.

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Wow amazing body she made me cum What if I get an erection? samurai champloo. embarrasing moment I was unsure how to handle and am concerned about. glad she provided that. was a bit shocked. and my breathing became irregular as I. Relaxation response, mental stimulation, reflex response, etc., are some of the factors that may lead to an erection during a massage. Massage. It's pretty rare that you would get and sustain an erection during a massage, unless you are contributing to that situation. It happens, but it. The only time you may get an erection during a massage is if someone is massaging your groin or inner thigh region. Coming to the second part. It's perfectly normal for men to get an erection during a non-sexual, therapeutic massage. Most men's fears are unfounded. It happens rarely.

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